‘Hey Grandude!’ by Paul McCartney, illustrated by Kathryn Durst, is a fun, colorful, and exciting adventure. The illustrations enhance the story, taking Grandude and the children all over the world. Their travels include a beach, a mountainside, and they even get to go to the Wild West and meet a cowboy. With all of the cartoons and other TV shows and movies showing the excitement of traveling and the magic that can happen when one pretends, kids are bound to enjoy this book. It perfectly showcases the power of the “magic compass” and how anything can be livened up and further enjoyed through a little bit of one’s own magic and imagination.
Spending time with grandparents is meant to be fun, and McCartney tries to make it so in his book. The places they travel and the things they do are exciting and meaningful, adding layers to the story that make it all that much more appealing. Kids will love Durst’s artwork and McCartney’s enjoyable way of sharing the story.
You can find ‘Hey Grandude’ by Paul McCartney here.
*Review originally posted at YABooksCentral.com*