The word that matches with letter ‘M’ for today is MARKET. You want to be sure to you are marketing your writing appropriately, if you are an author. Don’t attempt to sell a children’s fairy tale to an adult romance publisher. Also, set your sights on the right demographic. Consider who will read it. Be certain that the words and phrases you use are at least somewhat specific to that demographic so you meet the needs of the people you are most trying to impress.
On the flip side of this are readers. Readers need to know and understand as best as possible what market they are in regarding their reading preferences. You know what genres you like, what plots strike your fancy, whether you like fantasy or realistic settings, etc. Think about what makes you pick up a book and read it. All the factors you come up with, including the book blurb, someone’s recommendation, the cover art, or a variety of other items, influence you more than you know. You are being marketed to, and knowing what market fits you best is a step in the right direction to finding new titles for your book queue!
If you’re a writer, what market do you aim to please? If you’re a reader, what market are you in? If you’re a little of both, do you find yourself in the same market, or different ones?