Today’s word is SPORTSMANSHIP. When writing, give your characters competitive edges. Let them work both for and against one another to make more compelling, animated writing. You want to keep readers on the edges of their seats by keeping characters on those same edges. Make characters so vivid that readers are rooting for or against them as they deal with written conflicts and emotions.
Readers also need to be sportsmanlike. This includes having respect for writers and the way they pen their words. Everyone is working to create something sensational, so even if it isn’t quite as high up there on that scale for you, give the benefit of the doubt that someone thinks it’s great, because there definitely is someone out there who does. It’s also worthwhile to think of the characters in the books you read as your teammates. You either need to get on board with them and what they’re doing or hate them, but one way or the other, you have to be invested in them to make your reading worthwhile.