TACT is important in both writing and reading. Word choice is essential. It makes the difference to writers who want to make their words flow effortlessly on the page, and it makes the difference to readers who want to be inspired and energized by those same words. Writers don’t want to fall into the trap of using too strong or too juvenile of language, but they want to be aware of the audience for whom they are writing. Sometimes one reader might love the writer’s way with words, while another may think something is lacking.
Writers must gauge their intended audience and see what words and phrases best fit. When writing dialogue, write how a person talks – not necessarily with proper grammar. Understanding your characters will help your writing become more tactful, and will help readers see that tact at work.
The term can also be used to consider how to be tactful when writing reviews and always remembering to say something nice, even if you thought most everything else about the writing was not good. I’ve mentioned it in past posts, but you have to always keep in mind that writing is subjective and goes off of a writer’s whims, while reading is also subjective and goes off of a reader’s whims. We would all do well to remember this, and note how tact can help create an atmosphere of respect between writers and readers.