Uniformity – Day 21 of A to Z Challenge

uniformityToday’s April A to Z Challenge word is UNIFORMITY. Don’t conform to normal writing approaches. This isn’t to say that some of those approaches shouldn’t be used, because they should be. Take into account all approaches that other writers have used to make their writing magical, creative, and interesting. When you make your writing put on a “uniform,” you aren’t allowing it to bask in its own glory. Let your writing take its own form. Let is whisk you off into other worlds and help you understand your own style and approach.

At the same time, don’t let uniformity rule your reading. Try out different genres and different authors. Consider the perspectives of characters who you didn’t like and figure out why they may have been “forced” by the author of the work to act in the way they did. Even if you hate a character, think about how your hatred fuels how much you enjoy the rest of the writing (hopefully!). By refusing to conform, you are allowing yourself access to new, unique, and exciting ways of thinking about writing and reading.