The Young Adult Summer Scavenger Hunt – Find Word #39 Here and Enter Giveaway Below!


Here are the rules:

Each author has a special keyword, bolded in all capital letters (here’s mine: DRAGONS.) on their site. Some keywords may contain punctuation (mine is one of these – see how there’s a period after the word). Be sure to include the punctuation as you write the story down so you know where one sentence ends and another begins.

Your task is to visit each author’s site in a specific order, write down each individual keyword, discover the short story in doing so, and then enter the giveaway once you have completed the short story (there are 140 words in the short story in total). Here is the link to post your short story once you’ve completed the scavenger hunt: Enter Short Story Here

Some authors have smaller giveaways for free books and more. I’m giving away TWO PRIZES – a copy of each of my books (Freshman Fourteen and Sweet Fifteen) to TWO WINNERS. Each of the two winners will be able to choose whether they want them as paperback or Kindle copies. Here is the entry form:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now, on to the map, otherwise known as the links to each author’s website where the keywords will be found (remember that you’ll have to go to each author’s website in the order they are listed to get the keywords and have them in the right order to make the story come together):

Click Here for the “Map” of Author Websites

Plus, to make it easier for you, here’s the link to find Word #40 on S.L. Beaumont’s site: Find Word #40 Here!

Wishing you the best of luck in completing your keyword scavenger hunt!

Happy reading!