‘Foreshadow: Stories to Celebrate the Magic of Reading and Writing YA’ by Nova Ren Suma and Emily X.R. Pan Book Review

‘Foreshadow: Stories to Celebrate the Magic of Reading and Writing YA,’ edited by Emily X.R. Pan and Nova Ren Suma, includes a generous compilation of stories and essays, alongside writing advice and story prompts that any young adult reader or writer will appreciate. There are thirteen options to choose from within the book. Romance and fantasy are but two of the choices for what kinds of reading can be found, and story prompts and discussion focus on everything from conflict to building suspense to fear and story growth.

There are author notes at the beginning of passages, providing a glimpse into the world of the author and how each came to write the piece just read. Each work also has a brief introduction by a handful of well-known authors, including Laurie Halse Anderson, Gayle Forman, and many others.

The editors of this book have placed a great deal of time and effort into selecting worthwhile pieces and details that will enhance any reader’s appreciation of the general art of writing and the more specific importance of young adult literature. A compilation worth checking out!

You can find ‘Foreshadow: Stories to Celebrate the Magic of Reading and Writing YA’ here.

*Review originally posted at YABooksCentral.com*