‘Fracture’ by Melanie Hooyenga Book Review

‘Fracture’ by Melanie Hooyenga was a fantastic sequel to ‘Flicker,’ the first in the book series. Biz’s ability to flicker – to go back in time one day – is still intact, but it is coming at a cost. In this case, that cost is brain surgery. The loss of her hair, coupled with some nasty teenagers who have nothing better to do than make fun of her for looking less than “normal,” sheds light on the more contemporary aspects of the novel. The best parts of the novel were these contemporary parts, and how they meshed with the supernatural tendencies that Biz found herself still partaking in as a means of saving others from less than favorable fates.

However, Biz soon learns that no matter how many times she flickers, life has a way of happening the same way each time, even if it ends up being delayed. She works to change this – to keep her life from fracturing any further than it already has – but not everything works out in her favor.

It was refreshing to see Biz and her boyfriend Cameron still together in this book, but it was also nice to see how their relationship was not quite as strong as it used to be. Since Cameron’s sister Katie was rescued in ‘Flicker,’ his family’s life has been nothing like before, and this includes his new friendship with another rescued girl’s sister. He claims that he and Sarah are spending time together to support each other through their sisters’ and their individual family’s issues, but Biz is skeptical. Her focus on the jealousy she feels over Cameron spending time with Sarah is a normal and acceptable way for her to show emotion. In any other setting, Cameron wouldn’t have much of a foot to stand on. The fact that he’s trying to work through his grief makes Biz’s jealousy stand out all the more, causing Cameron to not at all appreciate Biz’s upset over his time spent with Sarah.

As the novel progressed, it was nice to see Biz realize more of her own worth and how to stand up for herself. Along with her dad, who only has her best interests at heart, since they mirror his own, and her mom, best friend Amelia, Cameron and his family, and even Dr. Martinez, her brain surgeon, she fights for her own life and those of the people she loves, hoping against hope that it won’t all be for naught.

A gripping and relatable contemporary novel with an awesome time travel component mixed in, ‘Fracture’ draws you in and refuses to let go. Next up, ‘Faded’!

You can find ‘Fracture’ by Melanie Hooyenga here.

*Review originally posted at YABooksCentral.com*