‘When Paul Met Artie: The Story of Simon & Garfunkel’ by G. Neri, illustrated by David Litchfield, is an artistic and lyrically engaging biographical account of Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel’s wonderful, yet troubled relationship and joint career. It doesn’t steer away from the issues that plagued them and the times they thought they were done with the business. Their story is not so different than others who have come before or after them, but their dedication to the craft and their ability to overcome the odds even when faced with the highest forms of adversity showcases how they refused to let their struggles define them and rather found ways to move past them or overcome and beat them.
From discovering how the two met to learning how the ‘The Sound of Silence’ came to be written, there are so many interesting and engaging facts that even fans of the pair might not necessarily know. It takes a bit to really feel as though one’s teeth are digging into the story, but the illustrations only bring more flavor to the writing, intensifying readers’ understanding of who the men are and how they got not only their start, but the strength to carry on in their careers.
There is always something new to learn, even about those whom you think you already know. ‘When Paul Met Artie’ proves this to be true. Fans of the pair will find the story honest and engaging, while those who are not so aware of who Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel are (namely the kids for whom this book is written) will learn something about the past and will hopefully be able to share in the beauty of Simon and Garfunkel’s music. It transcends the time period in which the songs were written, giving way to a whole new generation of listeners who can gain something from their lyrics and strengthen the world as a result.
You can find ‘When Paul Met Artie: The Story of Simon & Garfunkel’ by G. Neri here.
*Review originally posted at YABooksCentral.com*